Delta 8.7 is a global knowledge platform exploring what works to eradicate forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour, an aim set out in Target 8.7 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

On any given day in 2016, the latest year for which we have a reliable estimate, 40.3 million people were in situations of modern slavery or forced labour—or one in every 174 people alive —and 152 million children were victims of child labour. Urgent action is needed to address these problems. With Target 8.7 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 193 countries pledged their commitment to take effective measures to eradicate modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and child labour.

But what are effective measures? What works to address these problems?

To answer these questions, the United Nations University – Centre for Policy Research (UNU-CPR) created Delta 8.7—an innovative project that helps policy actors understand and use data responsibly to inform policies that contribute to achieving Target 8.7. Delta 8.7 brings together the most useful data, evidence, research and news, analyses cutting-edge data, and helps people understand that data so it can be translated it into effective policy.

Delta 8.7, available in English, French and Spanish, has a variety of resources which include Thematic Overviews, online and offline Learning Opportunities, and the site Glossary:

Click here to go to the Delta 8.7 Website














Construction and Labour Exploitation

FLEX has published a new report revealing a range of labour abuses and risk of exploitation in London’s construction sector, including workers not being paid, being physically and verbally abused, and being forced to work in dangerous conditions. T...Read More

The Secret Gardeners – child trafficking from Vietnam

The Secret Gardeners, created by Animage Films and Oscar-nominated animator Erica Russell, aims to inform professionals about the plight of children who are forced by organised crime gangs to grow drugs in houses across the UK but who often face crim...Read More

Illicit goods in the supply chain (Minerals)

When: April 14, 2016 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

In illegal mining, there is a high incidence of human trafficking for forced labour, including a system in which debt bondage is achieved by providing workers with advances or start-up capital. Workers in the mining sector are employed under extremely...

2020 ICT Benchmark Overview
Online ToolsGraphics & Infographics

This benchmark report provides an overview of the 49 largest information communications and technology (ICT) companies efforts to tackle forced labour in their supply chains. The benchmark analyses companies' efforts to prevent workers from ...Read More