Edited by Joel Quirk and Julia O’Connell Davidson.

This is the first volume of the series Beyond Trafficking and Slavery Short Course.

Much of what people think they know about human trafficking and ‘modern-day slavery’ is inaccurate, incomplete or unfounded. In order to help get their message out, political activists and government officials have repeatedly turned to a range of simplistic and misleading images, dubious ‘statistics’, and self-serving narratives. These narratives have had all kinds of negative consequences. Thanks to an often voyeuristic interest in commercial sexual abuse, much less interest has been directed towards ‘unsexy’ problems and practices. Thanks to the construction of migration as a problem and threat, policy responses have focused upon telling migrants to ‘stay at home’. Thanks to the popularity of ‘slavery as exception’, global patterns of systemic abuse, exploitation, and discrimination have been routinely dispatched to the margins of political conversations. Thanks to the depiction of trafficking victims as ‘exotic outsiders’ in need of rescue and salvation, there has been an uncritical return to some of the worst tropes of the colonial ‘civilising mission’. This must change.

Popular and Political Representations - openDemocracy, 2015 DOWNLOAD














The Global Business of Forced Labour: Report of Findings

This report presents the findings from the Global Business of Forced Labour project. The project investigates the business models of forced labour in global agricultural supply chains. Over two years the project systematically mapped the business ...Read More

First Year of FTSE 100 Reports under the UK Modern Slavery Act: Towards Elimination?

The International Labour Organization estimates that illicit profits from modern slavery reach $150 billion a year. In 2016, 16 million people were victims of forced labour in the private economy. Companies are exposed to modern slavery risks through...Read More

Modern Slavery Reporting: Weak and Notable Practice

Under the Short Guides on Modern Slavery Reporting, CORE has developed this short guide aimed at providing an overview of o selection of weak and notable reporting practice from statements published to date. A random sample of modern slavery statem...Read More

Lessons from the Survivor Inclusion Initiative (SII) in the UK, US, and Canada
GuidanceGood PracticesPublications

To find out more about how the SII has been experienced, the Expert Review gathered information from two surveys and 10 interviews with key stakeholders. There were 14 SSO (all US-based) and 10 FI survey respondents (seven US, two Canada, and on...Read More