The general objective of the project Tolerant is to enhance the integration of Third Country National women Victims of Trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation in the labour market in Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy and Romania, through employment support as well as support in accessing the labour market. Supporting women VoT to be able to obtain secure/sustainable employment, which will reduce the chances of becoming again victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation, is of paramount importance for the project

In this respect and taking into consideration the existing services provided by specialized NGOs as well as the capitalization of experiences and good practices among partners, we have developed the present Guide for integrated service provision to women VoT to support access to employment

The present guide aims to support Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), services providers and Public Authorities to develop successful and integrated services for Third Country National women Victims of Trafficking for sexual exploitation (women VoT) to enhance their social integration and labour market integration. The Guide is launched in 2020, the year that marks the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the U.N. Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, also known as the Palermo Protocol; a year that COVID-19 appeared and significantly shaped the trafficking industry, our work to provide protection to Victims of Trafficking and more importantly the lives of Victims and their prospects for re-integration.

Guide for Integrated Service Provision to Support - Tolerant, 2021 Access to Employment for Third Country National Women Victims of Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation DOWNLOAD














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