Cash transfers are used as a tool to empower and protect vulnerable individuals, households, and other groups from shocks and to mitigate vulnerabilities, such as low and variable income. These transfers can also be used to encourage positive change and behaviours among these groups, including increasing school attendance and reducing the incidence of early marriage. Of the 179 evaluations catalogued in the Promising Practices Database, just under nine percent contained some element of financial or in-kind relief. This policy paper sets out our observations on which practices work, which look promising, and which are ineffective based on the initial dataset for conditional and non-conditional cash transfers, to better inform future program design.

What Works: Lessons in the Use of Cash Transfers - Walk Free, 2020 DOWNLOAD














COVID-19: Access Challenges and the Implications of Border Restrictions
COVID-19 resourcesPublications

The COVID-19 pandemic has required States to implement exceptional measures to curb the spread of the virus and to protect public health. While border restrictions or closure may be justified, exceptions are needed to safeguard basic rights, includi...Read More

Modern Slavery in Global Supply Chains: The State of Evidence for Key Government and Private Approaches
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TAGS: Global
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