Covid-19 has had a devastating impact on those most vulnerable to forced labour and human trafficking. Around the world, communities already suffering from poverty and exploitation have borne the brunt of the pandemic and its economic fallout.

This report shares the outcomes of The Freedom Fund’s program Emergency Response Fund. It summarises the lessons learned during the Covid-19 crisis and highlights the life-saving response fielded by dozens of grassroots initiatives.

Reflecting on the year that was: Lessons from the covid frontlines - The Freedom Fund, 2021 DOWNLOAD














Agriculture and Modern Slavery Act Reporting: Poor Performance Despite High Risks

Authors: Andrew Phillips, Dr Alexander Trautrims Editor: Emily Kenway Agriculture is a high-risk sector for potential modern slavery and human trafficking. The International Labour Organisation places agriculture, alongside forestry and fishing, as...Read More

Supply Chain Risk Report: Child and forced labour in Canadian consumer products

The report looks at Canada’s connection to the issues of human trafficking and forced and child labour, by cross-referencing recent data on Canadian imports with the U.S. Department of Labour’s List of Goods Produced by Child Labour or Forced Lab...Read More

Sustainable Finance’s Role in Reducing Modern Slavery: COVID-19’s Lessons on Protecting the Most Vulnerable
COVID-19 resourcesVideos

This virtual webinar, a side-event to the High-Level Political Forum, explored the role of sustainable finance in addressing modern slavery and human trafficking, with a particular focus on lessons learned from the COVID-19 era. Featuring keynote re...Read More

The Impact of COVID-19 on Child Sex and Labor Trafficking
COVID-19 resources

At this unprecedented time, many of our most vulnerable children and families are facing new, exacerbated, and compounded risks to their health and safety due to COVID-19. Specifically, there are a number of factors and conditions created or exacerb...Read More