Tremendous strides have been made in recent years to raise awareness of the ethical and sustainability concerns in sourcing so-called conflict minerals (tin, tantalum, tungsten, or gold [3TG]) from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the African Great Lakes region. These minerals’ extraction and trade may illegally finance armed groups, conflict, and related atrocities in the region. This working paper reviews the key opportunities and challenges facing the ASM production of 3TG. It takes a new approach to current business risks related to sourcing conflict minerals from the DRC by looking beyond the practices of supply chain traceability to highlight the ways in which global businesses could begin to address and mitigate risks at the root level.

How Can Businesses Contribute to the Ethical Mining of Conflict Minerals? Addressing Risks and Creating Benefits Locally in the Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Sector in the Democratic Republic of the Congo DOWNLOAD














USA – Unpacking Human Trafficking in the Hospitality Industry

Unpacking Human Trafficking is a summary of the laws in the United States relating to the display of human trafficking awareness posters in lodging facilities, the requirement that employees be trained to recognize and handle suspected incidents of ...Read More

Moving from paper to practice: ASX200 reporting under Australia’s Modern Slavery Act

The research finds that most companies complied with the minimum requirements of modern slavery reporting, with clear groups of leaders and laggards within the ASX200. Perhaps unsurprisingly, given this is the first year of reporting, the majority o...Read More

Underground Lives: Aspirational Britain: Survivors of Modern Slavery Want to Work Too
News & AnalysisPublications

Britain is in an employment crisis. Labour shortages are hitting record highs and firms are recruiting from abroad which is costly. At the same time there are currently more than 7,000 survivors of modern slavery who are being supported by the G...Read More

TAGS: Europe
Country Profile: Romania – Abuses in Garment Sector

Garment workers, mostly women, earn some of the lowest wages in the world while making clothes for some of the biggest fashion brands. Romania has about 300,000 oficial garment workers, who usually earn a minimum wage of about 230 EUR after tax. Wor...Read More