Seefar and My Choices Foundation (MCF) are testing interventions that can help reduce the prevalence of Child Trafficking (CT) and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) among 12–18-year-olds in 3 targeted districts of West Bengal.

The project aims to find the combination of complementary community interventions that can address gaps in knowledge and internalization of risks associated with CT and CSEC; these gaps are some of the key drivers for continued exploitation of children in West Bengal, India.

As part of the evidence-generation phase of this project, Seefar undertook a representative baseline survey of households and community leaders in Bankura, Bardhaman and Birbhum, from 15 January 2021 to 15 February 2021.

Baseline Assessment: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Related to Child Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in West Bengal - SEEFAR and My Choices Foundation, 2021 DOWNLOAD














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