This report presents preliminary findings from the first phase of data collection of the Meneshachin ‘Our Departure’ qualitative study (August 2020-May 2021) conducted by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) in collaboration with the Population Council in Ethiopia and the Freedom Fund, with support and funding from the U.S. Department of State.

Towards safer recruitment of Ethiopian women into domestic work abroad: Early findings from the Meneschachin 'Our Departure' qualitative study - London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, May 2022 DOWNLOAD














COVID-19 and Modern Slavery within the Hospitality Sector
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

The COVID-19 outbreak has been affecting Asia since January 2020. It is now a global pandemic, with over 5.7 million cases detected in 168 countries and over 352,000 deaths globally as of 27 May 2020. Much of the world has implemented severe quarant...Read More

COVID-19 Guidance
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

COVID-19 is a test of societies, of governments, of communities and of individuals. It is a time for solidarity and cooperation to tackle the virus, and to mitigate the effects, often unintended, of measures designed to halt the spread of COVID-19. ...Read More

AI Against Modern Slavery: Digital Insights into Modern Slavery Reporting – Challenges and Opportunities

From seafood from Thailand and electronics from Malaysia and China, to textiles from India and wood from Brazil, modern slavery exists in all corners of the planet. It is a multibillion-dollar transnational criminal business that affects us all thro...Read More

The International Legal Definition of Trafficking in Persons: Consolidation of research findings and reflection on issues raised

Until December 2000, the term “trafficking in persons” was not defined in international law, despite its incorporation in several international legal instruments. The long-standing failure to develop an agreed-upon definition of trafficking in p...Read More

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