Every year, thousands of children choose to join a sports club or to participate in recreational activities such as day camps and summer camps. Participation in these activities promotes healthy child development. However, one should also be aware that children may face risks and dangers in sports and recreational activities.

Premises which are inappropriate or inadequate for children may increase the risk for accidents and in- juries. Personnel untrained to work with children of different ages may cause unintentional psychological harm through inappropriate forms of communication, such as provision of verbal instructions in an age-in- sensitive manner or usage of diminishing language to prompt better performance in sports. Worldwide, cases of child sexual abuse have also been reported in sports and recreational activities provoking long-term adverse effects in child socioemotional and cognitive development. Organizations without defined proce- dures on how to prevent and/or respond timely and effectively to possible risks or alleged cases of child abuse may provoke further harm to affected children.

Best Practices Guide on Keeping Children Safe in Sports - Terre des hommes, February 2022 DOWNLOAD














A Review of Current Promising Practices in the Engagement of People with Lived Experience to Address Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
News & AnalysisGuidanceGood Practices

This report summarises findings from research into the best ways to engage and involve people with lived experience of modern slavery and human trafficking (including survivors) in international policy and programming on modern slavery. It gathers o...Read More

TAGS: Global
Modern Slavery and Organised Immigration Crime Programme: Annual Report 2021-22
GuidanceGood Practices

The Modern Slavery and Organised Immigration Crime Programme continues to build on the work undertaken in previous years. In 2021-22 the programme continued to drive improvements in the identification of victims and improve Modern Slavery criminal j...Read More

TAGS: Europe
Fishers first: Good practices to end labour exploitation at sea
Good Practices

The purpose of this report is to present, analyse and share good practices and innovative interventions towards eradicating forced labour and other forms of labour exploitation in the fishing industry. This report consists of two parts. Chapters...Read More

The Climate Change–Human Trafficking Nexus
Good PracticesPublications

Climate change increases the risk of natural disasters and places a strain on livelihoods. This may contribute to high-risk behaviours and other negative coping strategies among affected populations, such as resorting to unscrupulous recruitment age...Read More

TAGS: Asia