The drive to prevent and respond to child sexual exploitation and abuse (CSEA) is widespread and there have been efforts to highlight CSEA’s global threat, to clear the path for victim-survivors to speak-up and to build the capacity of those working to end it. Governments from around the world have come together to develop a coordinated response to CSEA online. These efforts all take us a step closer to creating the global holistic prevention and response system needed to safeguard the welfare of every child.

However, governments need to do more to ensure that their laws, policies and programmes are effective in preventing CSEA and that their response systems are comprehensive and child-centred. The 2022 Out of the Shadows Index and accompanying report provide a robust analysis of the complexity of global CSEA. While this iteration of the index uncovers which countries rank highest in effectiveness and preparedness in their existing CSEA strategies, it also presents the need for heightened government accountability, legislative reform and child-centric policies.

Out of the Shadows: Index 2022 - Out of the Shadows, 2022 DOWNLOAD














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