Often consumers in Western Europe believe that “Made in Europe” is a synonym for working conditions that are better than in production countries in Asia. This report shows that this is not always the case, and that problematic working conditions and very low wages in particular, are occurring endemically across global supply chains worldwide. In Europe’s low-wage countries, the clothing and shoe industry is notorious for poor pay and bad conditions.

They conducted research in six European low-wage production countries. They found that global shoe supply chains include low-wage countries in Europe as well as in other world regions, and that there are strong interlinkages between, for example, European and Asian shoe production and the industries’ distinctive roles in global supply chains.

Labour on a Shoestring: The Realities of Working in Europe’s Shoe Manufacturing Peripheries in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Poland, Romania and Slovakia DOWNLOAD














Missing Home: Providing Safety to Trafficked Children

Between December 2017 and December 2018, Unseen ran the UK’s first Ofsted registered children’s home for non-UK national children who have experienced trafficking (hereafter referred to as trafficked children). The model we developed was a compl...Read More

“If I Could Change Anything About My Work…” Participatory Research with Cleaners In The UK

This working paper, based on participatory research carried out with cleaners in the UK, highlights key workplace issues in the cleaning sector, and the risk and resilience factors that impact cleaners’ vulnerability to labour abuse and exploitati...Read More

TAGS: Europe
Flag States & Human Rights Report 2019: Protecting Human Rights at Sea

The human rights obligations of States apply equally at sea, as they do on land. That said, human rights are frequently violated at sea, but the violations remain unpunished. This is hardly surprising given that it is difficult to monitor violation...Read More

Global Labour Recruitment in a Supply Chain Context

The paper is the result of a yearlong inquiry into possible courses of action that would ad- dress the recruitment governance gap, with particular attention to the abuses that affect a large number of workers. It touches only lightly on problems with...Read More