The OSCE Ofce for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) has been active in preventing and combating human trafcking in the OSCE region since 1999. ODIHR address- es human trafcking through an approach that is based on human rights, rule of law, equality and non-discrimination, and is trauma-informed and victim- and survivor-centred. ODIHR has developed extensive expertise and plays a signifcant role in victim protection and the promo- tion of the rights of trafcked people and at-risk groups. This approach recognizes that those trafcked are holders of rights and ensures that responses to human trafcking protect these rights, as refected in tools such as the ODIHR National Referral Mechanisms — Joining Eforts to Protect the Rights of Trafcked Persons: A Practical Handbook — Second Edition (NRM Handbook). Moreover, ODIHR recognizes survivors of human trafcking as key stakeholders within the multidisciplinary approach to combating human trafcking.

Code of Practice for Ensuring the Rights of Victims and Survivors of Human Trafficking - OSCE, 2023 DOWNLOAD














Patagonia’s supplier workplace code of conduct
Standards & Codes of Conduct

The Patagonia Supplier Workplace Code of Conduct (“Code”) defines standards for fair, safe and healthy working conditions and environmental responsibility throughout our supply chain. As required by our Fair Labor Association (FLA) aff...Read More

Quality Standards & Guide for Legal Assistance for Children
GuidanceStandards & Codes of Conduct

Despite efforts to provide children in conflict with the law quality legal assistance, knowledge of children’s rights and child justice by lawyers can still be improved. The lack of interdisciplinary knowledge is still an important obstacle for la...Read More

TAGS: Global
International Labor Migration: The Responsible Role of Business – BSR, 2008
GuidanceStandards & Codes of ConductGood Practices

In today’s globalized economy, the issue of international labor migration in supply chains is one of the most critical – yet largely unexplored – issues for our member companies and all businesses operating globally. Labor migrants now repr...Read More

Procurement Policy
Standards & Codes of Conduct

The University purchase circa £196m worth of goods and services from external providers each year. The University Court requires the institution to be fully compliant to EU rules and regulation and procurement policy. There is a requirement to deliv...Read More