The OSCE Ofce for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) has been active in preventing and combating human trafcking in the OSCE region since 1999. ODIHR address- es human trafcking through an approach that is based on human rights, rule of law, equality and non-discrimination, and is trauma-informed and victim- and survivor-centred. ODIHR has developed extensive expertise and plays a signifcant role in victim protection and the promo- tion of the rights of trafcked people and at-risk groups. This approach recognizes that those trafcked are holders of rights and ensures that responses to human trafcking protect these rights, as refected in tools such as the ODIHR National Referral Mechanisms — Joining Eforts to Protect the Rights of Trafcked Persons: A Practical Handbook — Second Edition (NRM Handbook). Moreover, ODIHR recognizes survivors of human trafcking as key stakeholders within the multidisciplinary approach to combating human trafcking.

Code of Practice for Ensuring the Rights of Victims and Survivors of Human Trafficking - OSCE, 2023 DOWNLOAD














Global Justice: Using Strategic Litigation to Combat Forced Labour
News & AnalysisStandards & Codes of ConductLegislation

Forced labor is a feature, not a bug, in today’s global economic system. Forced labor spans the globe. It involves multinational corporations. It is found in special economic zones—and war zones. And it is in everyone’s backyard. Globally, 27....Read More

Children’s rights in policies and codes of conduct: A tool for companies
Standards & Codes of Conduct

This tool recommends ways for all businesses to incorporate children’s rights into their policies and codes of conduct, based on the Children’s Rights and Business Principles and reaching beyond the traditional focus areas of child labour and ...Read More

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Counter-trafficking Regional and Global Statistics at a glance
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This report provides statistics and minor analysis regarding the demographics of those trafficked in 2015.

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Rules of the Game: The World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry Code of Conduct
Standards & Codes of Conduct

WFSGI has been successful in gaining commitment from members to adopt a Code of Conduct and take a proactive, comprehensive approach to Corporate Social responsibility (CSR). In this report the main challenges, good practices and case studies are i...Read More