A sector-specific case example ‘The Swedish County Councils’ in-depth review of the human rights policies and due diligence of its IT contractor, Atea, and subcontractor, Dell, to respect workers’ rights has helped increase both companies’ capacity to manage their supply chains responsibly. The county councils’ experience in this case contains valuable lessons for other public sector buyers that seek to ensure compliance with international labour rights standards in their global supply chains by holding contractors accountable for any failure in investigating and addressing labour rights violations.

Public Procurement and Human Rights Due Diligence to Achieve Respect for Labour Rights Standards in Electronics Factories: A Case Study of the Swedish County Councils and the Dell Computer Corporation - Electronics Watch, 2016 DOWNLOAD














“Hellish Work”

Summary Every year, tens of thousands of migrant workers from Kyrgyzstan travel to the central asian economic powerhouse of Kazakhstan in search of employment. thousands of these migrant workers, often together with their children, find work in t...Read More

UK Government Modern Slavery Statement

Around the world, something in the region of 40 million innocent men, women and even children have been forced into various forms of modern slavery. Many are here in the UK. Still more are abroad. All are victims of a vile business that has no place...Read More

TAGS: Europe
Financial Exploitation:Collecting Meaningful Data

The vast majority of modern slavery and human trafficking cases involve interaction with finance in some form. In many cases, traffickers exploit their victims financially, taking control of their bank accounts, confiscating wages, and using debt as...Read More

Contemporary Forms of Slavery Affecting Persons Belonging to Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minority Communities – Report of the Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery, Including Its Causes and Consequences

The present report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequences, Tomoya Obokata, is submitted pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 42/10. The report is focused on contemporary forms of ...Read More

TAGS: Global