Delta 8.7 is a global knowledge platform exploring what works to eradicate forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour, an aim set out in Target 8.7 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

On any given day in 2016, the latest year for which we have a reliable estimate, 40.3 million people were in situations of modern slavery or forced labour—or one in every 174 people alive —and 152 million children were victims of child labour. Urgent action is needed to address these problems. With Target 8.7 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 193 countries pledged their commitment to take effective measures to eradicate modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and child labour.

But what are effective measures? What works to address these problems?

To answer these questions, the United Nations University – Centre for Policy Research (UNU-CPR) created Delta 8.7—an innovative project that helps policy actors understand and use data responsibly to inform policies that contribute to achieving Target 8.7. Delta 8.7 brings together the most useful data, evidence, research and news, analyses cutting-edge data, and helps people understand that data so it can be translated it into effective policy.

Delta 8.7, available in English, French and Spanish, has a variety of resources which include Thematic Overviews, online and offline Learning Opportunities, and the site Glossary:

Click here to go to the Delta 8.7 Website














Online Tools

This app allows the user to take pictures of a hotel room and record the city and room number of the hotel. This is important because much of the sex trafficking that happens in the U.S. happens in hotel rooms and many of the ads posted contain...Read More

The Work in Freedom Handbook
Online Tools

Most of us would agree that we should take action against forced labour, modern slavery and human trafficking. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) refer to eradicating forced labour and ending modern slavery and human trafficking (SDG Target 8....Read More

Stop the Traffik App
Online Tools

A tool to enable people across the world to join the fight against human trafficking and modern slavery. child labour More information on the app can be found here. ...Read More

Global Modern Slavery Directory
Online Tools

Modern slavery is a global issue that requires a coordinated global response. This is the case both for the work to eradicate it in the long term, and in the immediate, to help individual survivors find freedom right now. The NGOs, multilateral inst...Read More

TAGS: Global