The Responsible Recruitment Toolkit (RRT) enables labour providers, employers and brands to raise the standard of recruitment in their business and global supply chains.

RRT is a pioneering, interactive, one-stop online toolkit that provides comprehensive and practical step by step guidance, tools and resources to support your business to embed responsible recruitment practices. The RRT platform enables each business to self-assess, track and report, internally and externally to clients, their progress made in embedding ethical and responsible management systems and business practices.

Click here to go to the Responsible Recruitment Toolkit website














Stop the Traffik App
Online Tools

A tool to enable people across the world to join the fight against human trafficking and modern slavery. child labour More information on the app can be found here. ...Read More

Slavery Research Library
Online Tools

The Slavery Research Library is a free online tool, developed by the Freedom Fund and currently collects over 480 resources on modern slavery, child slavery, child sexual exploitation, domestic servitude, forced and bonded labour and human trafficki...Read More

TAGS: Global
Interactive Map for Business of Anti-Human Trafficking Organisations
Online Tools

Given the rapid development of initiatives aimed at helping businesses fight human trafficking, the RESPECT Initiative (comprising Babson College's Initiative on Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery, the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organi...Read More

TAGS: Global
Training toolkit on addressing child labor and forced labor in agricultural supply chains
Online Tools

The Fair Labor Association developed the ENABLE Training Toolkit to prepare sustainability managers, master trainers, and field-level practioners to apply components of the USDA Guidelines for Eliminating Child Labor and Forced Labor in Agricultura...Read More