The armed conflict in Kachin and northern Shan States has largely escaped international attention, despite 2018 findings by the United Nations that the Myanmar military has committed war crimes and crimes against humanity there. The atrocities against the Rohingya people in Rakhine State deservedly seized headlines, but the women and girls of Kachin and northern Shan States remain largely invisible victims. Too many of them are trapped—by the collision of war and displacement in Myanmar and the fallout from the destructive denial of women’s reproductive rights in China—in lives of unspeakable abuse.

“Give Us a Baby and We’ll Let You Go”: Trafficking of Kachin “Brides” from Myanmar to China DOWNLOAD














Tackling labour abuse and modern slavery in the hand car wash sector

It has been said that modern slavery is hidden, but often in plain sight. Hand car washes are a good example of this and have been a particular area of focus. In recent years, the sector has become common in our high streets and communities, but loc...Read More

AI Against Modern Slavery: Digital Insights into Modern Slavery Reporting – Challenges and Opportunities

From seafood from Thailand and electronics from Malaysia and China, to textiles from India and wood from Brazil, modern slavery exists in all corners of the planet. It is a multibillion-dollar transnational criminal business that affects us all thro...Read More

Prevalence Estimate: Forced Labor Among Kenyan Workers in the Gulf Cooperation Council

The Global Fund to End Modern Slavery (GFEMS) aims to end modern slavery by making it economically unprofitable through interventions and experimental innovations implemented in collaboration with on-the-ground partners. With support from the U.S. D...Read More

Worker Voice-Driven Ethical Recruitment Toolkit
GuidanceStandards & Codes of Conduct

First released in November 2017, the Issara Worker Voice-Driven Ethical Recruitment Toolkit has been expanded and updated through the years to meet the needs of suppliers and recruitment agencies in South and Southeast Asia. This new October 2022 v...Read More

TAGS: Asia