This report provides information on labour and human rights risks linked to palm oil production in Guatemala. These risks include land grabs and displacement, unethical recruitment and hiring practices, indicators of forced labour, wage and hour violations, child labour, violations of women’s rights, unacceptable living conditions, a lack of grievance mechanisms, and environmental damage. This report also includes recommendations for the Guatemalan government and palm oil producers and buyers on steps that they can take to reduce these risks.

Labor and Human Rights. Risk Analysis of the Guatemalan Palm Oil Sector - Verité, 2013 DOWNLOAD














COVID-19 Impact on Child Labour and Forced Labour: The Response of the IPEC+ Flagship Program
COVID-19 resourcesPublications

The ILO’s Flagship International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour and Forced Labour (IPEC+) has ongoing operations in 62 countries, all of which are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The programme has developed business continuity pla...Read More

TAGS: Global
Missing Home: Providing Safety to Trafficked Children

Between December 2017 and December 2018, Unseen ran the UK’s first Ofsted registered children’s home for non-UK national children who have experienced trafficking (hereafter referred to as trafficked children). The model we developed was a compl...Read More

The G20 Obligation – Achieving Sustainable, Fair, and Inclusive Global Supply Chains

Modern Slavery is an umbrella term that captures the range of multifaceted and complex crimes, which include all forms of human trafficking, forced labour, debt bondage, forced or servile marriage, and the worst forms of child labour. We know th...Read More

North Macedonia Shadow Report
News & AnalysisPublications

This Shadow report is produced under the framework of the operating grant: Listen the voice of trafficked persons and fight organize crime. The purpose of this grant is to support participatory democracy as part of North Macedonia`s European integra...Read More

TAGS: Europe