Over the past decade, scholars, activists, and policymakers have repeatedly called for an examination of the role of technology as a contributing force to human trafficking and exploitation. Attention has focused on a range of issues from adult services websites and the use of social media to recruit victims and facilitate trafficking to the utilisation of data analytics software to understand trafficking and identify ‘hotspots of risk’. 

The new issue of Anti-Trafficking Review explores some of the assumptions about the role of technology in facilitating or preventing human trafficking and exploitation and the currently available technological tools that purport to address them. It concludes that the factors that enable and sustain human trafficking, such as lack of decent jobs and social protections, or inhumane labour migration regimes, require political will – not tech solutionist fixes.

Technology, Anti-Trafficking, and Speculative Futures - Anti-Trafficking Review, 2020 DOWNLOAD














Action plan for developing victim-centred and trauma-informed criminal justice systems

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TAGS: Europe
Leaning In: Advancing the Role of Finance Against Modern Slavery

This report on modern slavery and financial institutions by the Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies and the Freedom Fund considers the role that the financial sector can play in reducing human trafficking and modern slave...Read More

Third-party monitoring of measures against child labour and forced labour during the 2017 cotton harvest in Uzbekistan

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Fake my Catch: The Unreliable Untraceability in Our Tuna Cans
News & AnalysisPublications

US seafood company Bumble Bee, one of the leading companies in the canned tuna market with nearly 90% consumer awareness levels, and its Taiwanese parent company Fong Chun Formosa Fishery Company (hereinafter referred to as FCF), one of the top thre...Read More