In August, 2019, Stop the Traffik Kenya (STTK) and Freedom Collaborative (FC), a project operated by Liberty Shared, launched a data collection effort with civil society organisations (CSOs) in Kenya to report known human trafficking and high-risk migration routes based on their work with survivors and at-risk populations. Data was gathered from partners over the course of one month to demonstrate how much knowledge can be made available when each organisation is sharing their individual data.

Contributing organisations include Awareness Against Human Trafficking (HAART) Kenya, Candle of Hope Foundation, Salvation Army, Love Justice International, the Counter Human Trafficking Trust-East Africa (CHTEA), and the African Network for The Prevention & Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect (ANPPCAN).

The data was gathered using Freedom Collaborative’s Victim Journey Tracker tool, and included the following data points (when known):

  • Victim city and country of origin
  • Expected (Intended) destination city and country
  • City and country of exploitation
  • Transit points
  • Industry and type of exploitation
  • (Estimated) number of cases

The participating civil-society organisations could either submit their data through the tracker directly or combine all data in a spreadsheet with the same data points to be passed on to STTK and Freedom Collaborative. So far, 115 submissions of routes were made by the participants.

Human Trafficking and Risky Migration Routes Data Collection: A case study from Kenya - Freedom Collaborative, 2019 DOWNLOAD














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