The COVID-19 outbreak has been affecting Asia since January 2020. It is now a global pandemic, with over 5.7 million cases detected in 168 countries and over 352,000 deaths globally as of 27 May 2020. Much of the world has implemented severe quarantine measures in an effort to contain the spread of the virus, and these measures have significantly affected many businesses, including the hospitality sector.

The hospitality industry has felt some of the largest impacts of the spread of COVID-19. Travel has halted, and many countries have enforced quarantines and social-gathering bans which have resulted in the closure of many bars, restaurants, and hotels.

As this crisis continues to unfold, many hotels are facing empty rooms, which is having a devastating impact on their overall business. As one of the biggest global industries, disruptions to the hospitality sector has caused a significant impact on workers and supply chains across the world.

COVID-19 and Modern Slavery Within the Hospitality Sector - Mekong Club, 2020 DOWNLOAD














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TAGS: Asia
The Deaths of Migrants in the Gulf

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