The digital environment is an integral part of today’s society. While we must recognise and celebrate the ways in which it facilitates and strengthens access to rights for children, we cannot ignore the increased risks to the child’s right to privacy, health and even to a life free from violence. Where sexual violence has been facilitated or perpetrated by the use of information and communication technologies, the devastating consequences can have a long-lasting impact, often spreading across borders and rippling across the world wide web. The European Court of Human Rights recalls that member States are under positive duties: to adopt effective criminal law provisions to repress child abuse and to ensure adequate law enforcement machinery to prevent, suppress and punish such acts.














Measuring the ‘S’ in ESG related to Modern Slavery

Globally, it is estimated that there are over 40 million men, women and children in modern slavery today. Two thirds of these victims are in Asia. These victims, who can be found in factories, construction sites, fisheries and sex venues, are forced...Read More

TAGS: Global
Trafficking in Human Beings – Forced Criminal Activities and Begging

Trafficking in human beings is defined as a situation whereby a person’s predicament is used to trap them in an exploitative situation. This can take various forms and occurs in different areas: • Exploitative employment relationships â€...Read More

TAGS: Europe
Eradicating Forced Labour: What Works in Practice
GuidanceGood Practices

How can forced labour be eradicated globally? What approaches are the most effective at gaining ground towards this goal, and can they be replicated across country contexts? There are many ideas about what could work in theory, but there still is li...Read More

TAGS: Global
Child Labour Practical Guide

Stakeholders and individuals can take action and make a difference for children in 2021. To find out how to make an Action Pledge, share your journey, and scale up, browse this Practical Guide. Flip through this guide to find examples of 2021 Act...Read More

TAGS: Global