This is one of a series of case studies to supplement the global campaign report, Ripe for Change, drawing attention to the plight of specific groups of small-scale farmers and workers in international food value chains and/or promoting successful alternative approaches.

Poverty is widespread among the small-scale farmers and workers who produce and process our food, in an industry worth billions of dollars. Oxfam’s new campaign highlights the systemic inequality and human suffering in food supply chains – and shows how action by supermarkets, governments, small-scale farmers and workers could lead to a decent and dignified standard of living for millions of people.

This case study describes how, despite the rapid growth of Georgia’s wine industry, small-scale grape growers are continuing to live in poverty and are unable to develop their businesses or to profit from the industry they supply. It analyses the strengths and failings of previous and current government interventions, and offers recommendations on how they could be improved for long-term impact.

A Fair Share for Georgia’s Grape Growers - Oxfam, 2018 DOWNLOAD














Fig Leaf for Fashion: How Social Auditing Protects Brands and Fails Workers

This September 2019 report offers an extensive analysis of the corporate controlled audit industry, connecting the dots between the most well known business-driven social compliance initiatives, such as Social Accountability International, WRAP, the...Read More

United States Advisory Council for Human Trafficking Annual Report, 2016

This report provides actionable recommendations to the U.S. government for its work both nationally and internationally, as it cooperates with state and local governments, NGOs, faithbased organizations, community members, businesses, and philanthr...Read More

Reflecting on the year that was: Lessons from the covid frontlines
COVID-19 resourcesPublications

Covid-19 has had a devastating impact on those most vulnerable to forced labour and human trafficking. Around the world, communities already suffering from poverty and exploitation have borne the brunt of the pandemic and its economic fallout. Th...Read More

The OECD Due Diligence for Responsible Corporate Lending and Securities Underwriting

On October 28th, 2019, the OECD launched new guidance on Due Diligence for Responsible Corporate Lending and Securities Underwriting (hereinafter “the guidance”). The guidance is based and elaborates on the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Ente...Read More

TAGS: Global