The publication is based on the accumulated experience of the ten companies in the BLIHR on implementing human rights. This experience is supplemented with practical examples of human rights implementation.

In detail as a joint product of the Business Leaders Initiative on Human Rights (BLIHR), the United Nations Global Compact Office, and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), this guide offers practical guidance to companies that want to take a proactive approach to human rights within their business operations. It is principally for business leaders and managers in large and medium-sized enterprises, private and state-owned, who would like to develop their understanding of human rights in business practice.

A Guide for Integrating Human Rights into Business Management, UN Global Compact, 2006 DOWNLOAD














Free and Fair Labor in Palm Oil Production: Principles and Implementation Guidance

The Free and Fair Labor Principles (“Principles”) and corresponding Implementation Guidance (“Guidance”) is intended to support and advance the ongoing dialogue on responsible palm oil by providing a common point of reference on what consti...Read More

The Fundamental Rights of Irregular Migrant Workers in the EU: Understanding and Reducing Protection Gaps

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee, aims to inform policy debates about how to protect more effectively the fundamental rig...Read More

TAGS: Europe
Guidance Tool for Construction Companies in the Middle East
GuidanceStandards & Codes of ConductGood Practices

In the face of shifting labour market trends within both the Middle East region and the construction sector, the ILO and IOE have identified the need for specialized resources that allow enterprises to develop internal policies and procedures that s...Read More

What Works for Working Children: Being Effective When Tackling Child Labour

This report describes examples of methods used by Terre des Hommes, their partners around the world and other relevant stakeholders to address child labour successfully. Terre des Hommes reckons the methods described are appropriate for others to re...Read More