In June 2019, the International Labour Organization’s (ILO’s) 187 member States adopted the ILO Centenary Declaration for the Future of Work, calling on the Organization to pursue “with unrelenting vigour its constitutional mandate for social justice by further developing its human-centred approach to the future of work, which puts workers’ rights and the needs, aspirations and rights of all people at the heart of economic, social and environmental policies”. Less than a year later, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has plunged the world into a crisis of unprecedented scope and scale that has made the imperatives set out in the Centenary Declaration even more urgent as the international community engages in a collective endeavour to tackle the devastating human impact of the pandemic. This crisis has a human face and, as such, it calls for a human centred response. In this policy brief the ILO offers comprehensive and integrated recommendations on the key areas of policy action that should form part of that response. The brief is addressed at ILO constituents (governments, employers and workers), policy-makers and the general public.




















COVID-19 – Crisis Upon Crisis In Africa: An Eco feminist Perspective
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

The novel Coronavirus has triggered a significant global crisis, with the harshest impacts being felt by the poor and working classes across the world. On the African continent, this ‘new’ pandemic encounters numerous other crises of climate hea...Read More

Red Light Refracted: Impacts of COVID-19 on Commercial Sexual Exploitation in Maharashtra
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This policy brief presents findings from a rapid assessment conducted to assess the multi-faceted impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on commercial sexual exploitation in Maharashtra, India. NORC at the University of Chicago’s research addressed the ...Read More

Union Busting & Unfair Dismissals: Garment Workers during COVID-19
COVID-19 resources

Millions of vulnerable workers in the garment industry have been laid off or have lost wages as a result of order cancellations and non-payment by apparel brands in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Recent reports from worker groups and media sh...Read More

Voices of the Invisible Citizens: A Rapid Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Internal Migrant Workers
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

The 21-day lockdown has inadvertently exposed the extreme vulnerability of migrant workers in India. The construction sector contributes to around 9% of the country's GDP and employs the highest number of migrant workers across India with 55 million...Read More