In June 2019, the International Labour Organization’s (ILO’s) 187 member States adopted the ILO Centenary Declaration for the Future of Work, calling on the Organization to pursue “with unrelenting vigour its constitutional mandate for social justice by further developing its human-centred approach to the future of work, which puts workers’ rights and the needs, aspirations and rights of all people at the heart of economic, social and environmental policies”. Less than a year later, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has plunged the world into a crisis of unprecedented scope and scale that has made the imperatives set out in the Centenary Declaration even more urgent as the international community engages in a collective endeavour to tackle the devastating human impact of the pandemic. This crisis has a human face and, as such, it calls for a human centred response. In this policy brief the ILO offers comprehensive and integrated recommendations on the key areas of policy action that should form part of that response. The brief is addressed at ILO constituents (governments, employers and workers), policy-makers and the general public.




















Discussion Sheet on Factory Health and Safety
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

Keeping workers safe needs to be top priority amongst both clothing brands, their suppliers and the worker representatives. To give targeted guidance on how to keep workers safe, we have developed this discussion sheet which, in combination with our...Read More

Digital Tools to Boost Collaboration and Productivity
COVID-19 resourcesNews & AnalysisEvents

When: October 8, 2020 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Tech Against Trafficking and BT will be hosting an online event to help you unlock the potential of your organization through the use of digital tools. The event will feature a Skills for Tomorrow workshop by BT.    Date and Time Thursday,...

The Public Health Impact of Coronavirus Disease on Human Trafficking
COVID-19 resourcesPublications

Written by Jordan Greenbaum, Hanni Stoklosa, and Laura Murphy. The global pandemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus exacerbates major risk factors for global human trafficking. Social isolation of families and severe economic dis...Read More

Global Guidelines on the Prevention of Forced Labour Through Lifelong Learning and Skills Development Approaches
GuidanceStandards & Codes of Conduct

Quality education and training lays the foundation for the economic and social development not only of individuals but of society as a whole. Yet, many lack opportunities to acquire relevant knowledge and skills that would allow them to earn a decen...Read More