Aangan works with children who are vulnerable to trafficking, hazardous or exploitative work, early marriage, violence and neglect. These children live in isolated rural settlements, urban unauthorized bastis, impoverished migrant communities – by the riverside, garbage dumping grounds, railway tracks, and have little or no access to services such as anganwadis, schools, police stations, and hospitals.

Aangan works at creating a safer environment for children – where every child is free from harm. Our child harm prevention model builds local community capacity and strengthens formal child protection systems in hotspots across highrisk districts. At the center of this work are a group of 10-12 trained community women volunteers who reach out and set up child and adult safety circles, bringing together local community knowledge, mutual trust, and accountability of government officials through a collaborative effort.

More information can be found here.














Commodity Atlas
Online Tools

The link between commodities and some of the worst forms of labor abuse in the global economy is coming under increasing scrutiny from stakeholders around the world. Several global campaigns seek to raise public awareness about goods produced under ...Read More

TAGS: Global
Human Rights and Business Dilemmas Forum
Online Tools

The Human Rights and Business Dilemmas Forum is specifically designed by the UN Global Compact and Verisk Maplecroft to support efforts made by businesses to respect human rights in their operations and supply chains. Explore...Read More

TAGS: Global
Ending Human Trafficking
Online Tools

The Global Center for Women and Justice launched the Ending Human Trafficking podcast in April 2011 and it has passed the 160 podcast milestone as of January 2018. Ending Human Trafficking (EHT) podcast episodes cover the full range of human traffic...Read More

Updated Modern Slavery Map
News & AnalysisOnline Tools

We have updated our Interactive Map for Business of Anti-Human Trafficking Organisations (www.modernslaverymap.org). The Map currently includes 112 initiatives and organisations who are working on five human-trafficking-related issues (child labour,...Read More