These Model Business and Supplier Policies address two specific human rights issues that potentially arise in the Operations of a business enterprise: Labour Trafficking and Child Labour.

The Model Policies adopt a risk-based approach to ensure that measures to address issues of Labour Trafficking and Child Labour are commensurate with the risks identified, so that the sources of the greatest risk receive the most attention, thereby facilitating efficient allocation of resources. The business enterprises that adopt and implement a form of these Model Policies should identify general areas where the risk of Labour Trafficking or Child Labour is more significant so they can prioritize those for greater Due Diligence, Monitoring, Verification or appropriate action under a given Model Policy.

ABA Model Business and Supplier Policies on Labour Trafficking and Child Labour - American Bar Association (ABA), 2014 DOWNLOAD














ILO Global Business Network on Forced Labor Policy Briefs: Viet Nam
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