Large numbers of young people in Southeast Asia seek work opportunities outside their country of origin, migrating both regularly and irregularly, and with little power to access or negotiate safe and fair migration and work conditions. The risk of exploitation is high.The potential for human trafficking in these situations has attracted
significant attention. Yet much of the response by regional governments and international donors has focused on identifying and prosecuting ‘traffickers’ rather than addressing the many vulnerabilities and forms of exploitation that many labour migrants experience. This thematic brief sets out a diversity of forms of exploitation that labour migrants in Southeast Asia experience, and the implications for how efforts to respond might need to adapt. This includes broadening beyond the dominant frame of criminal justice in order to address exploitation at scale and in a manner that is realistic about the prevailing political economy.
Addressing exploitation of labour migrants in Southeast Asia: Beyond a counter-trafficking criminal justice response- Australian Aid, 2023 DOWNLOAD














18th Alliance against Trafficking calls for broad, inclusive, multi-disciplinary and multi-agency approach based on strong partnerships
News & Analysis

Vienna, 24 April 2018 – OSCE Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings Madina Jarbussynova urged today OSCE participating States to capitalize on the best practices and many successful multi-disciplinary and ...Read More

TAGS: Europe
Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182)

This fundamental convention defines as a "child" a person under 18 years of age. It requires ratifying states to eliminate the worst forms of child labour, including all forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery, such as the sale and tra...Read More

TAGS: Global
Technology Against Child Sexual Abuse Content
News & AnalysisGood Practices

Introducing NetClean NetClean is a social business providing solutions to detecting child sexual abuse material and safeguarding against crime in the workplace. One of our technologies reacts when it detects the digital fingerprint of an image or vid...Read More

Design of a Privacy-Preserving Data Platform for Collaboration Against Human Trafficking
News & AnalysisGuidanceGood PracticesGraphics & Infographics

Case records on identified victims of human trafficking are highly sensitive, yet the ability to share such data is critical to evidence-based practice and policy development across government, business, and civil society. We propose new methods to...Read More