Human trafficking is the movement of a person from one place to another for the purposes of exploitation. The UN defined human trafficking in the ‘Palermo Protocol’ as the ‘recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons by means of threat, or use of force, coercion or deception…to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation’ (UN, 2000, Art. 3). According to this definition, trafficking includes sexual exploitation, forced and bonded labour, domestic servitude, any form of slavery and removal of organs. The definition of exploitation is not limited.

This guide provides a set of definitions and indicators to assist local authorities in the identification of victims of human trafficking. It defines different types of coercion and control, and of exploitation, and sketches a set of guidelines for practitioners towards potential victims of modern slavery.

Adult Modern Slavery Protocol For Local Authorities: How to identify a victim of human trafficking or modern slavery - Human Trafficking Foundation and Anti-Slavery London Working Group, 2018 DOWNLOAD














Handbook on Performance Indicators for Counter-Trafficking Projects – International Organization for Migration
GuidanceStandards & Codes of ConductGood Practices

This handbook is a resource and guide for project managers, developers, implementers, evaluators and donors working in the field of counter-trafficking, who want to develop performance indicators for their counter-trafficking projects. It is not int...Read More

Underground Lives: Forgotten Children- the Intergenerational Impact of Modern Slavery
News & AnalysisGuidancePublications

Thousands of children affected by modern slavery are being failed by the system. There are at least 5,000 children of modern slavery victims in the UK and the majority are not getting the support they need, with many more potentially lost in the ...Read More

TAGS: Europe
Targeting Vulnerabilities: The Impact of the Syrian War and Refugee Situation on Trafficking in Persons (A Study of Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq)

Over four years of conflict have seen increasing numbers of people flee their homes in Syria, becoming internally displaced or seeking refuge beyond Syria’s borders. The overwhelming majority of those forced to flee abroad are residing in the neig...Read More

Freedom Business Code of Excellence 2.0

Today over 40 million people are enslaved worldwide. 80% of those rescued from modern slavery, also known as Human Trafficking, will be re-trafficked absent safe employment opportunities. To fight modern slavery and exploitation we need a strategy t...Read More