Every year, thousands of children choose to join a sports club or to participate in recreational activities such as day camps and summer camps. Participation in these activities promotes healthy child development. However, one should also be aware that children may face risks and dangers in sports and recreational activities.

Premises which are inappropriate or inadequate for children may increase the risk for accidents and in- juries. Personnel untrained to work with children of different ages may cause unintentional psychological harm through inappropriate forms of communication, such as provision of verbal instructions in an age-in- sensitive manner or usage of diminishing language to prompt better performance in sports. Worldwide, cases of child sexual abuse have also been reported in sports and recreational activities provoking long-term adverse effects in child socioemotional and cognitive development. Organizations without defined proce- dures on how to prevent and/or respond timely and effectively to possible risks or alleged cases of child abuse may provoke further harm to affected children.

Best Practices Guide on Keeping Children Safe in Sports - Terre des hommes, February 2022 DOWNLOAD














Tripartite Declaration of Principles Concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (MNE Declaration): A self-assessment tool for enterprises
Good Practices

This self-assessment tool for enterprises has been developed to support enterprises that seek to benchmark their corporate social policies and practices against the guidance provided in the Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multination...Read More

TAGS: Europe
Repayment of Recruiting Fees to Workers – 4 Emerging Best Practices
GuidanceGood Practices

Issara Institute, founded in 2014, has been working on advancing more ethical recruitment practices within supply chains since its founding, including work on aspects of ethical recruitment such as more transparent, ethical terms of engagement, more...Read More

Tracking the traffickers: How can banks be used to stop human trafficking?
Good PracticesVideos

Human trafficking is devastating for the victims but low-risk for the criminals, whose activities are largely hidden from view. To disrupt it, law enforcement is turning to some unlikely new partners—banks. ...Read More

Eliminating Recruitment Fees Charged to Migrant Workers – United Nations Global Compact and Verite
GuidanceGood Practices

There are an estimated 232 million international migrants around the world today and over 90 percent of these are workers and their families. International labour migration is a defining feature of the global economy. Nearly every nation around the ...Read More