Business & Human Rights Resource Centre is an online repository of resources covering a broad range of issues, including child labour. The reosurce centre provides an overview of available online reosurces on the topci of child labour, ranging from research reports, guidance manuals and recent tech applications.

Researches can be conducted per issues:

regions or countries:

sectors and so on:

The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre can be consulted here.














Human Trafficking: Myths, Facts, and Statistics
Online Tools

This interactive site offers information on human trafficking facts and statistics. The page includes a map of human trafficking in the United States along with a statistical analysis. Further down the page the user can click on four dif...Read More

Be My Protector
Online Tools

Be My Protector offers Malaysians the opportunity to report human trafficking, labour violations and child exploitation. In partnership with Tenaganita, Change Your World has created Southeast Asia's first app allowing any person to submit r...Read More

Responsible Recruitment Toolkit
Online Tools

The Responsible Recruitment Toolkit (RRT) enables labour providers, employers and brands to raise the standard of recruitment in their business and global supply chains. RRT is a pioneering, interactive, one-stop online toolkit that prov...Read More

Global Modern Slavery Directory
Online Tools

Modern slavery is a global issue that requires a coordinated global response. This is the case both for the work to eradicate it in the long term, and in the immediate, to help individual survivors find freedom right now. The NGOs, multilateral inst...Read More

TAGS: Global