Modern slavery: An introduction– resource guide
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In recent years, as high-profile stakeholder actions and consumer campaigns have increasingly shined an international spotlight on human rights issues in the palm oil sector, various frameworks and initiatives have emerged through which industry has sought to address these issues. This case study documents the journey of Verité analyzing Wilmar’s operations, identifying critical system gaps and risk sources, training the company to take more active control of its approach to risk management, and, importantly, closing the gap between practices in its own operations and those of its extended suppliers, highlighting the challenges faced, lessons learned, and good practices identified, as well as some key outcomes of the collaboration.
As a country of origin, destination, and transit for forced labour and human trafficking, Thailand has been expanding its efforts to offer shelter and assistance to both Thai and foreign citizens, however, some gaps remain. Using international stand...Read More
All workers, and migrant workers in particular, should have access to grievance mechanisms that allow them to voice concerns without fear of punishment or retribution. The provision of these mechanisms by the employer is particularly crucial for mig...Read More
Having effective operational-level grievance mechanisms in place to systematically handle and resolve the grievances that arise helps to diffuse potential problems and provides channels for resolving issues that might otherwise escalate into protest...Read More