Florverde® Sustainable Flowers is an independent social and environmental standard for the flower sector that is backed by a strong team of agronomists, social workers and other professionals.

This team is responsible for reviewing and updating the standard under the guidance of an advisory council made up of flower growers, agronomists, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and government officials. Any major changes proposed must also be submitted for public consultation.

child labour

Florverde Sustainable Flowers Standard - Florverde, 2018 DOWNLOAD














Modern Slavery Act Transparency in Supply Chains
COVID-19 resourcesStandards & Codes of Conduct

CGI IT UK Limited is among the largest independent IT and business consulting services organisations in the world. This statement is published pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes CGI UK’s fifth Modern Slavery a...Read More

Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct
Standards & Codes of Conduct

The Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct is a set of standards on social, envi- ronmental and ethical issues in the electronics industry supply chain. The standards set out in the Code of Conduct reference international norms and standards i...Read More

IFC Performance Standard 2
Standards & Codes of Conduct

For any business, its workforce is its most valuable asset. A sound worker-management relationship is key to the success of any enterprise. PS2 asks that companies treat their workers fairly, provide safe and healthy working conditions, avoid the u...Read More

Model Contract Clauses to Protect Workers In International Supply Chains
GuidanceStandards & Codes of Conduct

The American Bar Association (ABA) Business Law Section Working Group undertook an extensive project to help buyers and suppliers redesign their contracts to better protect human rights in supply chains, with a focus on a cooperative approach with s...Read More