The link between commodities and some of the worst forms of labor abuse in the global economy is coming under increasing scrutiny from stakeholders around the world. Several global campaigns seek to raise public awareness about goods produced under forced labor conditions and modern forms of slavery. The Verité Forced Labor Commodity Atlas contributes to those efforts. The interactive map allows to
learn about specific commodities and their relationship to forced labour and other forms of exploitation at the base of global supply chains.

The Atlas can be found here.














Training toolkit on addressing child labor and forced labor in agricultural supply chains
Online Tools

The Fair Labor Association developed the ENABLE Training Toolkit to prepare sustainability managers, master trainers, and field-level practioners to apply components of the USDA Guidelines for Eliminating Child Labor and Forced Labor in Agricultura...Read More

83 Countries are More Ocean Than Land
Online Tools

The 1982 UN Law of the Sea was the largest ever annexation of our planet and our ocean. In one stroke, one-third of our planet was formally designated as 'exclusive economic zones', giving coastal countries rights to 200 miles of ocean around their ...Read More

Human Trafficking Analysis Dashboard
Online Tools

These interactive dashboards visualize data on human and wildlife trafficking criminal activities where there was an arrest, charge or conviction, aggregating information from over 7,000 media reports on traffickers in the global criminal justice s...Read More

Interactive Map for Business of Anti-Human Trafficking Organisations
Online Tools

Given the rapid development of initiatives aimed at helping businesses fight human trafficking, the RESPECT Initiative (comprising Babson College's Initiative on Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery, the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organi...Read More

TAGS: Global