The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act has focused company attention on the presence of human trafficking and modern-day slavery in supply chains. Yet standard social compliance responses will not be adequate to reduce company risks – or worker vulnerability – to these egregious problems.
In this White Paper, Verité outlines the content of the Act, the sources of trafficking and forcedlabor risk, and what is necessary in order to address these problems adequately in supply chain production.














Responding to Children’s Work – Evidence from the Young Lives study in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam
Good Practices

Responding to children's work: Evidence from the Young Lives study in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam is a Young Lives summative report, synthesising research from the past 15 years on children's work. The report maps principles for child-sensitiv...Read More

Promising Practices: What Works?
Good Practices

Evaluation of projects and interventions designed to prevent or address the harm connected with modern slavery is a critical step on the road toward identifying “what works”. Reviews of evaluations already undertaken offer an opportunity to take ...Read More

Responsible Cobalt Initiative (RCI)
Good Practices

The Responsible Cobalt Initiative aims to: Have downstream and upstream companies recognize and align their supply chain policies with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk...Read More

Business Responsibility on Preventing and Addressing Forced Labour in Malaysia
News & AnalysisGuidanceGood Practices

Is this guide for you? This guide is for you if you are any of the following: You are an existing employer in Malaysia of one or more local or migrant worker. You will learn the definitions, concepts and national laws and policies related to f...Read More