Annual Report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequences

Each year the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, its causes and consequences is requested by the Human Rights Council (formerly the Commission) and by the General Assembly to present an annual report assessing current features of slavery, the effectiveness of efforts and gaps that need to be bridged to better tackle emerging forms of slavery.

RESPECT, as the Tech Against Trafficking’s Research Lead, is proud to have contributed to this year’s report.

Current and emerging forms of slavery - Report of the Special Rapporteur (English) DOWNLOAD
Current and emerging forms of slavery - Report of the Special Rapporteur (Arabic) DOWNLOAD
Current and emerging forms of slavery - Report of the Special Rapporteur (Chinese) DOWNLOAD
Current and emerging forms of slavery - Report of the Special Rapporteur (French) DOWNLOAD
Current and emerging forms of slavery - Report of the Special Rapporteur (Russian) DOWNLOAD
Current and emerging forms of slavery - Report of the Special Rapporteur (Spanish) DOWNLOAD














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