This Occasional Paper, the seventh in a series of Occasional Papers published by OSCE Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, outlines the measures that businesses can take to ensure that trafficking in human beings does not occur in their workplaces or those of their suppliers (i.e., other businesses that sell products or services to them). It also reviews the obligations of the OSCE’s participating States to regulate business activities and to enable businesses to take appropriate action to stop human trafficking from occurring. It provides a series of recommendations for OSCE participating States.














Crime and Contagion: The impact of a pandemic on organized crime
COVID-19 resourcesStandards & Codes of Conduct

The fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic is having profound impacts on society and the economy, and it will also influence and shape organized crime and illicit markets. The institutional response to the pandemic and the consequent reshaping of socio-ec...Read More

TAGS: Global
Florverde Sustainable Flowers Standard
Standards & Codes of Conduct

Florverde® Sustainable Flowers is an independent social and environmental standard for the flower sector that is backed by a strong team of agronomists, social workers and other professionals. This team is responsible for reviewing and updating...Read More

Rules of the Game: The World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry Code of Conduct
Standards & Codes of Conduct

WFSGI has been successful in gaining commitment from members to adopt a Code of Conduct and take a proactive, comprehensive approach to Corporate Social responsibility (CSR). In this report the main challenges, good practices and case studies are i...Read More

Effectiveness of Public Procurement Measures in addressing Modern Slavery
News & AnalysisStandards & Codes of ConductLegislation

This Modern Slavery PEC Policy Brief is the third in a series of Policy Briefs that assess the evidence base on the effectiveness of different regulatory interventions to address modern slavery in global supply chains, a key research priority for th...Read More