Malaysia’s electronics sector workforce includes hundreds of thousands of foreign migrant workers who come to Malaysia on the promise of a good salary and steady work – an opportunity to make a better life for themselves and their families. But many are subject to high recruitment fees, personal debt, complicated recruitment processes, lack of transparency about their eventual working conditions, and inadequate legal protections. Unscrupulous behaviour on the part of employers or third-party employment agents1 can exacerbate vulnerability to exploitation, but the system in which foreign workers are recruited, placed and managed is complex enough to create vulnerability even in the absence of willful intent to exploit. The conditions faced by foreign electronics workers in Malaysia have the potential to result in forced labour. In 2012, Verité received funding from the US Department of Labor to conduct a study to determine whether such forced labour does, in fact, exist in the production of electronic goods in Malaysia.

Forced Labor in the Production of Electronic Goods in Malaysia: A Comprehensive Study of Scope and Characteristics- Verité, 2014 DOWNLOAD














Minors in Kathmandu’s adult entertainment sector: What’s driving demand?

Kathmandu’s adult entertainment sector (AES) is made up of a complex web of venues that includes massage parlours, dance bars, cabin restaurants and guest houses. These workplaces employ young women and girls as waitresses and dancers who entertain...Read More

Towards Demand-Driven, Empowering Assistance for Trafficked Persons

This brief has been prepared by the Issara Institute and Anders Lisborg, technical consultant. The paper provides a brief landscape analysis of mainstream trafficking victim assistance programs in Southeast Asia from the lens of empowerment, emph...Read More

TAGS: Asia
Briefing: Measuring Deterrence for Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Maharashtra

India remains a major hotspot for commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC), a crime that is becoming increasingly hidden. Prevalence data is challenging to obtain and estimates are speculative; several entities have sized the population of ...Read More

Forced Labour in the Uyghur Region: Why is this Happening?

The Peoples’ Republic of China (PRC) has created an ex- pansive system of unprecedented state control over the 13 million Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and other minoritized eth- nic and religious groups of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autono- mous Region (Uyghur...Read More