The Peoples’ Republic of China (PRC) has created an ex- pansive system of unprecedented state control over the 13 million Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and other minoritized eth- nic and religious groups of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autono- mous Region (Uyghur Region or the XUAR). As described in the first Sheffield Hallam brief in this series (“Forced Labor in the Uyghur Region: The Evidence”), the PRC government has embarked upon a program designed to erase Uyghur livelihoods, behaviors, and beliefs. One of the major mechanisms of repression unique to the Uy- ghur Region is the PRC’s systematic state-sponsored program of forced labor.

As the Chinese government works to make the repres- sive apparatus of the state less visible (by removing walls around camps, fencing around shopping centers, camer- as, etc.), forced labor increasingly becomes the fulcrum through which the government maintains control over the minoritized populations in the region and contin- ues its genocidal practices. Forced labor in the Uyghur Region facilitates the forcible migration of people, the separation of families, mass surveillance, land expro- priation, cultural erasure, militarized discipline, and religious persecution.

Many people ask why the PRC government has developed such a problematic and potentially expensive program to expand manufacturing and compel people to work in the Uyghur Region – and why at this particular moment and in this particular place. This brief discusses four inter- related reasons for the development of state-sponsored forced labor programs in the Uyghur Region.

Forced Labour in the Uyghur Region: Why is this Happening? - Sheffield Hallam University, 2023 DOWNLOAD























“The Public-Private Partnership in the Fight Against Human Trafficking” Conference

When: July 19, 2017 – July 21, 2017 all-day

Organized by the OSCE Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings (OSR/CTHB), in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Conference on “Public-Private Partnership in the Fight Against Human...

TAGS: Global
Survival at the Expense of the Weakest? Managing Modern Slavery Risks in Supply Chains During COVID-19
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This paper reflects on the implications of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on modern slavery risks in supply chains. We first reason that the global supply and demand shock resulting from COVID-19 exacerbates workers’ vulnerability to modern s...Read More

TAGS: Global
Driving Behavior Change of Recruiters, Suppliers, and Job Seekers Toward Ethical Recruitment: Critical Roles of Global Buyers and Grassroots Actors

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National Hotline 2019 West Virginia State Report
Graphics & InfographicsPublications

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