This paper explores the question of what traceability systems mean for the labour situation of fish- workers; for whom and in what respects is traceability effective, and what impact do these systems have? The limited social criteria in fishery governance is a core reason for recurrent problems of extreme abuse of fishworkers around the world, including trafficking, forced labour and so called modern slavery. New traceability systems, thus, now include social criteria to advance sustainable fisheries globally. Drawing from a Thai fisheries reform case study, we analyse how the new labour traceability system emerges and is perceived by migrant fishworkers. We base our analysis on interviews, documents and two periods of fieldwork in Thailand. We argue that labour traceability is a double-edged sword. While fishworkers have seen major improvement in limiting extreme abuse, labour traceability has a downsides of state surveillance and costs passed onto workers. Moreover, traceability does not solve underlying problems regarding the complex formalization of migrant workers, working conditions on fishing boats, freedom to change employer or the everyday vulnerability of being a migrant worker. Thus, while labour traceability has promising policy relevance for the integration of labour rights into fisheries governance, it requires contextual underpinning in migrant circumstances.

From fish to fishworker traceability in Thai fisheries reform - Nature and Space (Alin Kadfa and Marie Widengård), June 2022 DOWNLOAD














National Human Trafficking Hotline At-A-Glance

An at a glance document providing information about the services of the National Human Trafficking Hotline.

2017 OECD Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct SUMMARY REPORT

When: June 29, 2017 – June 30, 2017 all-day

The OECD Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct held on 29-30 June 2017 gathered participants from governments, businesses, trade unions and civil society to discuss responsible supply chains through due diligence; driving responsible institutional investment; the role of National Contact...

TAGS: Global
Access to protection and remedy for victims of human trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation in Belgium and the Netherlands

According to the latest ILO global estimates, 25 million people are victims of forced labour. This issue concerns all regions in the world. UN Sustainable Development Goal 8 on Decent Work and Economic Growth includes a target 8.7 for which the inte...Read More

Global Labour Recruitment in a Supply Chain Context

The paper is the result of a yearlong inquiry into possible courses of action that would ad- dress the recruitment governance gap, with particular attention to the abuses that affect a large number of workers. It touches only lightly on problems with...Read More