The UNODC Model Law against Trafficking in Persons was developed by the
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in response to the request of the General Assembly to the Secretary-General to promote and assist the efforts of Member States to become party to and implement the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime and the Protocols thereto. It was developed in particular to assist States in implementing the provisions contained in the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing that Convention.

UNODC Model Law against Trafficking in Persons - Report DOWNLOAD














Worker Voice-Driven Ethical Recruitment Toolkit
GuidanceStandards & Codes of Conduct

First released in November 2017, the Issara Worker Voice-Driven Ethical Recruitment Toolkit has been expanded and updated through the years to meet the needs of suppliers and recruitment agencies in South and Southeast Asia. This new October 2022 v...Read More

TAGS: Asia
Challenges of recognition of the status of human trafficking victim in the Republic of Serbia

Trafficking in human beings is a global phenomenon encountered with by almost all countries in the world – either as countries of origin, transit, or final destination for the victims. Due to the complexity of the very phenomenon, numerous United ...Read More

From Local to Global: Building a strategic litigation ecosystem to address modern slavery in supply chains

This briefing summarises the outcomes of the scopingresearch conducted by The Remedy Project, offeringan insight into the existing corporate accountabilitylegal landscape in South East Asia, and the barrierspreventing local groups from engaging in t...Read More

Protecting Migrant Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

This policy brief provides information and identifies a number of key recommendations to assist governments and other stakeholders in designing COVID-19 policy responses that can help to ensure the protection of migrant workers, as well as to inform...Read More