This paper focuses on the specifics of labour exploitation, particularly the identification, prevention and prosecution of offenders with the final goal of preventing trafficking and bringing justice for victims. The text is based on the 3rd and 5th Alliance in Trafficking in Persons Conferences and aims to assist participating States in the development and implementation of national anti-trafficking policy in compliance with OSCE commitments and other international obligations.

Human Trafficking for Labour Exploitation/Forced and Bonded Labour: Identification - Prevention - Prosecution; and Prosecution of Offenders, Justice for Victims - Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, 2008 DOWNLOAD














Compendium of good practices in addressing trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labour exploitation
Good Practices

The report by the former Secretary General of the Council of Europe, “Ready for Future Chal- lenges - Reinforcing the Council of Europe”, identified trafficking for labour exploitation as one of the major challenges in Europe, referring to ...Read More

Protecting People in a Pandemic
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

In responding to COVID-19 many have adopted the rallying cry of "we are all in this together." But the stark reality is that we are not. Millions of vulnerable workers do not have access to COVID-19 testing, health care, sick leave or the physical o...Read More

2018 Quick Guide to Writing a Voluntary Modern Slavery Statement

The modern slavery statement is a public commitment and statement with three main goals: it acknowledges that forced labour, human trafficking, child labour and modern slavery affects every business, sector and country - starting with their own ...Read More

TAGS: Global
Combatting Human Trafficking since Palermo: What Do We Know about What Works?

In 2016, there were an estimated 40.3 million victims of modern slavery in the world, more than were enslaved during the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Since the adoption of the 2000 UN Trafficking Protocol, numerous efforts from inter-governmental a...Read More

TAGS: Global