Doing business in occupied territories carries with it risks, dilemmas and potential liabilities for companies. The sources of information available to companies to address these risks are limited.

This briefing is intended to provide companies with a framework for examining their business interests and relationships with Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. It covers issues that are relevant to companies in all industry sectors and at all stages of their trade and investment relationships with these settlements. It reflects a growing trend of criminal and civil cases against businesses based on their alleged complicity in serious human rights violations, including war crimes.

Amnesty International expects companies to make business decisions that align with applicable international laws and standards and that meet their responsibilities within that framework. This briefing explains how these laws, standards and responsibilities apply to the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Think Twice: Can companies do business with Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories while respecting human rights? - Amnesty International, 2019 DOWNLOAD














Human Trafficking in America’s Schools

This guide provides an introduction of human trafficking for educators.  The guide discusses risk factors, indicators of human trafficking, the impact on the learning environment, school protocols, and resources for school staff. ...Read More

11th General Report on GRETA’s Activities

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TAGS: Europe
Full Package Approach to Labor Codes of Conduct
GuidanceGood Practices

In this guide the Clean Clothes Campaign offers guidelines on what companies can do to better assess, implement, and verify compliance with labour standards in their supply chains, and eliminate abuses where and when they arise. The exploitation and...Read More

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