This interactive site offers information on human trafficking facts and statistics. The page includes a map of human trafficking in the United States along with a statistical analysis.

Further down the page the user can click on four different tabs to read some basic facts on human trafficking.

The last section of the page presents a series of myth usually associated to human trafficking, allowing the user to click learn more in order to read about the reality behind those assumptions.

You can visit the website here.














Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
Online Tools

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre is an online repository of resources covering a broad range of issues, including child labour. The reosurce centre provides an overview of available online reosurces on the topci of child labour, ranging f...Read More

TAGS: Global
Stop Slavery Resource Hub
Online Tools

This resource hub is intended to provide a central repository for resources on understanding the risk of modern slavery to business, modern slavery policy and legislation, and how this can be applied to the hotel industry. child labour T...Read More

Repayment of Recruitment Fees to Workers: 4 Emerging Best Practices
Online ToolsGuidanceGood PracticesPublications

A growing number of global brands and retailers are adopting ethical recruitment policies stipulating, among other things, that all costs and fees related to labour recruitment are paid by the employer and not by the workers being recruited. Employe...Read More

TAGS: Asia
Trafficking Risk in Sub-Saharan African Supply Chains
Online Tools

The sub-Saharan region of Africa has acted as a supplier of labour and raw materials to the rest of the world for centuries, often under terms that have resulted in harm to African people and nations. Corporations and governments have a responsibili...Read More

TAGS: Africa