However, business leaders need to collaborate in order to do this. My recommendations focus on the need to develop relevant risk management processes and the need to create better systems to share intelligence. I also strongly encourage growing collective action initiatives by investors and suggest that financial services could be a powerful force to encourage action to address significant risks in the electronics business. Finally, until the government legislates to extend Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act to cover financial portfolios I suggest that business covers these areas voluntarily in their annual modern slavery statements. The financial services sector should ensure that it integrates modern slavery and human trafficking risk across all its business processes, in the same way that it has approached environmental risk.

The Role of the Financial Sector in Eradicating Modern Slavery: CEOs Respond to the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner - Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, 2021 DOWNLOAD














Beauty and a Beast: Child labour in India for sparkling cars and cosmetics

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An Ethical Framework for Cross-Border Labor Recruitment: An Industry/Stakeholder Collaboration to Reduce the Risks of Forced Labor and Human Trafficking – Verite and Manpower Group, 2012
GuidanceStandards & Codes of ConductPublications

The Ethical Framework for Cross Border Labor Recruitment offers a set of specific operational practices (“Standards of Ethical Practice”) for recruitment firms that operate across borders. These practices are reinforced by a Verification and Cer...Read More

On This Journey, No one Cares if You Live or Die: Abuse, protection, and justice along routes between East and West Africa and Africa’s Mediterranean coast

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TAGS: Africa
Stacked Odds – How Lifelong Inequity Shapes Women and Girls’ Experience of Modern Slavery

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