This report from 2005 researches the weaknesses of social auditing. Social audits to check working conditions in production facilities emerged in the mid-1990s after a number of high profile companies were widely scrutinized for substandard working conditions in their supply chains. At that time, a growing number of companies– for example Nike, Gap, Levi Strauss, and C&A– had adopted codes of conduct that in essence were pledges to prevent exploitation and abuse of workers producing their goods. Labour advocates soon challenged these companies to demonstrate conformity to the standards they had adopted. Calls for independent, civil society based forms of workplace assessments were made.

Looking for a Quick Fix - How Weak Social Auditing is Keeping Workers in Sweatshops DOWNLOAD














NetClean Report 2017

The NetClean Report 2017 is a report about child sexual abuse crime – based on a survey completed by 435 police officers in 33 countries, with observations and analyses from 15 leading experts in this field. The 2017 report looks at whether there i...Read More

Climate-induced migration and modern slavery

Climate change is devastating the planet, leading to intensifying global inequality as well as disputes over land, water, and scarce resources. People are being driven to migrate within and across borders in search of resources and income, making th...Read More

Unseen Modern Slavery and Exploitation Helpline Annual Assessment

This report provides an assessment of the UK-wide Modern Slavery Helpline’s operations in 2019 detailing the number, type and nature of calls, webforms and app submissions received between 1 January 2019 and 31 December 2019 and the number and dem...Read More

TAGS: Europe
Vulnerabilities to Child Labour
News & AnalysisPublications

Identifying particularly vulnerable groups of children and their specific needs is essential for the elimination of child labour. Article 7 of International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labour, 1999 – th...Read More

TAGS: Global