“Promoting the Rights of Women Migrant Workers through Employment Contracts” identifies and compares existing contract provisions in the South Asia – Middle East corridor and summarizes strengths and gaps in protection in line with common right violations reported by women migrant workers themselves. It makes recommendations on addressing these gaps by creating enforceable rights-based, gender-responsive employment contracts.

This article is the second part of a three-part Policy Brief series that identifies actions to develop and implement effective, rights-based and gender responsive protections for women workers migrating from South Asia to the Middle East. The policy briefs address three key stages during which protections for women migrant workers are developed, implemented, and monitored.

This policy brief series forms one part of the “Empowering Women Migrant Workers from South Asia: Toolkit for Gender-responsive Employment and Recruitment” which supports gender-responsive policies and practices to protect and promote the rights of women migrant workers from South Asia.

Migrant Workers in South Asia and the Middle East: Promoting the Rights of Women Migrant Workers Through Employment Contracts DOWNLOAD














Driving Behavior Change of Recruiters, Suppliers, and Job Seekers Toward Ethical Recruitment: Critical Roles of Global Buyers and Grassroots Actors

This report was prepared by Dr. Lisa Rende Taylor and Ohnmar Ei Ei Chaw, Issara Institute. Issara Institute programming in Myanmar and Thailand over the past year has focused on driving more ethical recruitment systems, down to the ‘first mile...Read More

What works to end modern slavery? A review of evidence on policy and interventions in the context of justice

The purposes of the study was to examine what is known about effective policy to achieve SDG Target 8.7 in the context of justice, by: (1) collecting and collating existing evidence on what works; (2) identifying the range of claims and hypotheses c...Read More

Contemporary Forms of Slavery Affecting Persons Belonging to Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minority Communities – Report of the Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery, Including Its Causes and Consequences, Tomoya Obokata

The present report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequences, Tomoya Obokata, is submitted pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 42/10. The report is focused on contemporary forms of ...Read More

TAGS: Global
Using Civil Litigation to Combat Human Trafficking : Federal Human Trafficking Civil Litigation – 2021 Data Update

In October 2003, Congress passed a law allowing trafficking victims to recover civil damages from their traffickers in federal courts, 18 U.S.C. § 1595, now known as the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA). In the almost twent...Read More