Edited by Julia O’Connell Davidson and Neil Howard.

This is the fifth volume of the series Beyond Trafficking and Slavery Short Course.

Mobility is and always has been an essential part of humanity’s economic, social, cultural and political life. To be able to move freely is a good. Yet in our unjust world, it is also an unearned and unequally distributed privilege. This volume reflects on that privilege, and on the suffering that results when states restrict access to it. The articles included here will explode the spurious contemporary binary between ‘smuggling’ and ‘trafficking’, and will argue that anti-trafficking discourse hides more than it reveals. Most crucially, it hides how state restrictions on the freedom of movement are the true threat to human wellbeing.

Migration and Mobility - openDemocracy, 2015 DOWNLOAD














Mapping Interventions Addressing Child Labour and Working Conditions in Artisanal Mineral Supply Chains

At the request of the International Labour Organization (ILO), Levin Sources conducted this mapping (mainly desk research) of interventions (projects and initiatives) to address child labour and poor working conditions (either directly or indirectly...Read More

Point of No Returns: A ranking of 75 of the world’s largest asset managers’ approaches to responsible investment

This is the first in a series of four reports. This report includes the ranking of asset managers, and analysis of their performance on stewardship, transparency and governance. The following three parts of this series, to be released in the coming ...Read More

External policy tools to address modern slavery and forced labour

The paper presents the findings of a study on external policy measures adopted by the European Union and like-minded partners to address modern slavery in third countries. The study is intended to support the European Parliament in monitoring E...Read More

NetClean Report 2017

The NetClean Report 2017 is a report about child sexual abuse crime – based on a survey completed by 435 police officers in 33 countries, with observations and analyses from 15 leading experts in this field. The 2017 report looks at whether there i...Read More