Modern slavery and its manifestations (including forced labour, debt bondage, money laundering and human trafficking) are illegal practices in all CDC investment geographies. However, such practices remain present, are often intentionally well hidden, and still present significant social and human rights impacts and risks to many emerging market investors. Proactive and thoughtful due diligence is an important aspect in helping investors understand modern slavery risks evident in supply chains or via intermediated contracts, and which require innovative approaches to resolve. COVID-19 has exacerbated and accelerated modern slavery and other labour practice risks.

Modern Slavery: ESG Toolkit - CDC, 2021 DOWNLOAD














The COVID-19 Pandemic and Workers in Cambodia: A Survey of Suspended Workers in Four Sectors: Garment Manufacturing, Footwear and Travel Foods, Hotels and Guesthouses, and Other Tourism Services
COVID-19 resourcesGuidance

In Cambodia, the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in widespread job suspensions and losses, and substantial reductions of income for workers and their families. By June 2020, as many as 234 factories in the manufacturing sectors (garment, footwear and...Read More

How to do business with respect for children’s right to be free from child labour: ILO-IOE child labour guidance tool for business

The guidelines aim to improve global supply chain governance, due diligence and remediation processes to advance the progressive elimination of child labour. The Child Labour Guidance Tool was created jointly by the International Labour Organization...Read More

A stitch in time saved none: How fashion brands fueled violence in the factory and beyond

This study documents women garment workers’ experiences of gender- based violence and harassment (GBVH) in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic in Asian production countries. It elaborates “economic harm” as a form of GBVH, underscoring how the b...Read More

Report of the Global Solutions Forum: Acting together to end child labour in agriculture – concrete experiences and successful practices shared on 2-3 November 2021

Child labour is a serious violation of human rights, and yet many vulnerable families worldwide engage their children in work as a survival strategy. The figures from the 2020 International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations ...Read More