The UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (Act) was established nearly six years ago and was hailed as a landmark piece of legislation. Its aim was to encourage business to take action to eradicate modern slavery from its operations and supply chains. Fundamental to this was Section 54, the Transparency in Supply Chains provision (TISC), that requires companies to publish a statement of the steps the organisation has taken during the financial year to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in its operations or supply chains. The intention was for the TISC provision to create a race to the top by encouraging businesses to be transparent about their efforts to tackle modern slavery risks, thus increasing competition to drive up standards for appropriate and effective response to modern slavery.

Modern Slavery Act - Five Years of Reporting DOWNLOAD














National Hotline 2018 Florida State Report
Graphics & InfographicsPublications

The data in this report represents signals and cases from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018 and is accurate as of July 25, 2019. Cases of trafficking may be ongoing or new information may revealed to the National Hotline over time. Consequen...Read More

Slavery Free Recruitment Systems: A Landscape Analysis of Fee-Free Recruitment Initiatives

This brief has been prepared by Phil Marshall, Technical Consultant to the Issara Institute. This paper summarizes the current discussion around fee-free recruitment, including: (1) definitions of fee-free recruitment; (2) linkages between migra...Read More

Leveraging innovation to fight trafficking in human beings: a comprehensive analysis of technology tools
News & AnalysisPublications

The publication takes stock of technology tools and initiatives developed to combat trafficking in human beings in its different forms in the OSCE area and beyond. It also examines the ways technology can be misused to facilitate trafficking in huma...Read More

Stacked Odds – How Lifelong Inequity Shapes Women and Girls’ Experience of Modern Slavery

One in every 130 females globally is living in modern slavery. In fact, women and girls account for nearly three quarters (71 per cent) of all victims of modern slavery. Although modern slavery affects everyone, there is no escaping the fact that it...Read More